Thursday, October 17, 2019

Environmental Article Critique Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmental Critique - Article Example This indicates the insufficiency of empirical studies to identify effects of environmental tools on environmental performance. Empirical data for this research was obtained from cross-country data on various environmental tools such as taxation and government involvement as well as the environmental performance of such countries. Statement of Research Procedure Motivated by the need to engage in empirical study to obtain the link between environmental tools and performance, Im and Wonhyuk (2011) decided to obtain cross-country data in order to evaluate their research objectives, which was to evaluate the link between environmental tools and environmental performance through empirical data. Most of the empirical data in this study was obtained from the World’s major economies. The data included mainly the involvement of the various governments through research and development or environmental governance impact of such government. After obtaining such data, Im and Wonhyuk (2011) decided to measure the performance of environmental governance whilst defining the environmental performance through literature review. ... In addition, econometric model was used to identify the correlation between dependent variable (environmental performance) and the independent variables (R&D and taxation). The econometric model included regression analysis, variance analysis; least squares procedures, and QUE estimates to provide the necessary covariance matrix for identification of error. Results of the regression analysis were presented using tables after which a discussions based on such results were conducted. The discussions were linked to various levels of success of applicable environmental policy tools within the global spectrum. Flaws in Procedural Design Despite having a beautiful research procedure in a bid to attaining their objectives, Im and Wonhyuk (2011) research was flawed within the procedural design. Firstly, the researchers did not mention it anyway other than the introduction on the research design. In other words, Im and Wonhyuk (2011) research did not provide for research methodology. Every re search conducted should explicitly provide research methodology, which will guide not only the researchers but also the users of the document into how the study was conducted. Another flaw was on the data analysis. Im and Wonhyuk (2011) just given the analyzed data after stating the statistical tools they had used. It would have been better if such econometric models were included within the research other than just mentioning them. Lastly, despite obtaining empirical data from the selected major countries, which they did not explicitly indicate, there was need to identify the sample size and sampling method of the major countries they though would effectively represent the entire globe. Analysis of Data Analysis of

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